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Samcon [radial thru-hole] UMH Series

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Samcon                                   Radial Lead Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors

              UMH                              SERIES
    105 5mm height                                                                              compliance

                   Item                                                                         Characteristics
Category Temperature Range                                                                      - 40 ~ +105

             Voltage Range                                                                      6.3 ~50 V.DC
           Nominal Cap. Range                                                                   0.1 ~ 100 f
      Capacitance Tolerance                                                      - 20% ~ + 20% (at 20, 120Hz)
                                                                    I = 0.01CV or 3(A) Whichever is greater.(after 2 minutes)
            Leakage Current
                                              where,I: Max Leakage Current(A), C: Nominal Capacitance(F), V: Rated Voltage(V) (at 20)

     Dissipation Factor(tan)                   WV          6.3       10        16         25     35      50
            ( at 120Hz, +20 )                  tan        0.28      0.24      0.20       0.16   0.13    0.12

       Low Temp. Impedance                                WV                  6.3         10     16      25        35      50
           Stability at 120Hz                 Z( - 25 ) / Z ( + 20 )           3          3       2       2        2        2
                                              Z( - 40 ) / Z ( + 20 )           8          5       4       3        3        3

                                              After applying rated voltage with max ripple current for 1000 hours at 105 ,
                                               the capacitors shall meet the following requirements.
       High Temp. Load Test                   Capacitance Change ...

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