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Stone [polymer smd] PVX Series

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WITH CONDUCTIVE POLYMER SOLID ELECTROLYTE                                                                                                                                       PVX
    Super low E.S.R. and high ripple current are realized.
    Guarantees 105 , 2000 hours .

                                                                                                                                             Marking color Black print
                   Item                                                                                    Performance
  Category temperature range (            )                                                                     55~+105
 Tolerance at rated capacitance (%)                                                                                   20                                                               (20     , 120Hz)
         Leakage current ( A)                                                                               Less than 0.2CV
                    *Note                                                                C    Rated capacitance ( F) V Rated voltage (V)                                                        (20   )
     Tangent of loss angle (tan )                                                                           Less than 0.12                                                             (20     , 120Hz)
                                               Impedance ratio (max.)
         Characteristics at high                                                                         Z 25   /Z+20             1.15
          and low temperature
                                                                                                         Z 55   /Z+20             1.25                                                         (120Hz)
                                                                           Test time                            2000 hours
                                                                       Leakage current                          The initial specified value or less
          Endurance (105 )
                                                               Percentage of capacitance change                 Within 20% of initial value
        (Applied ripple current)
                                                                   Tangent of the loss angle                    150% or less of the initial specified value
                                                                        E.S.R. change                           200% or less of the initial specified value
                                                                           Test time                            500 hours
                                                                       Leakage current                          The initial specified value or less
               Bias Humidity
                                                               Percentage of capacitance change                 Within 20% of initial value
          60     , 90 to 95%RH
                                                                   Tangent of the loss angle                    150% or less of the initial specified value
                                                                        E.S.R. change                           200% or less of the initial specified value
                                                  The capacitors shall be subject to 1000 cycles each consisting of charge with the surge voltage specified at 15 to 35 for
                                                  30 seconds through a protective resister (Rc = 1k ) in 6 minutes per cycle. Surge voltage 1.15 times of rated voltage.
       Characteristics of applied                                      Leakage current                          The initial specified value or less
            surge voltage                                      Percentage of capacitance change                 Within 20% of initial value
                                                                   Tangent of the loss angle                    150% or less of the initial specified value
                                                                        E.S.R. change                           200% or less of the initial specified value
                 Failure tare                                                       1% per 1000 hours maxmum (Confidence level 60% at 105                     )
*Note: If any doubt arises, measure the leakage current after following voltage application treatment.
       Voltage application treatment: DC rated voltage are appliced to the capacitors for 120 minutes at 105          .

      OUTLINE DRAWING                                                                        Unit   mm

                                                                                                                Part numbering system (example: 4V150F)


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