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JP102 Jumper Block              Remove Metal Cover              Note: See Programming Mode for more info:

                                                                          JP1   10M/Band Select/Export Frequency
                                                                          JP2   Program Mode/Lock Bands

                                                                          JP3   Normal Spacing/10 KHz/5 KHz
                                                                          JP4   5 Digit/6 Digit Frequency Display

                                                                JP1 OFF = 10 Meter Band     ON = Export Band
                                                                JP2 OFF = LOCKED            ON = Program Mode
                          PCBX-0335R3A                          JP3 OFF = Normal Steps      ON = 10 KHz/5 KHz
                                                                JP4 OFF = 5 Digit AM/FM     ON = 6 Digit All Modes

                                                               JP1 sets 10M, Selects Band, or Export Band
                                                               JP2 sets the Programming Mode On or Lock
                                                               JP3 sets Channel Spacing to Normal or --
                                                               10 KHz - 5 KHz using Front Panel 10 KHz Sw.
                                                               JP4 sets the Frequency Display to 5 or 6 digits
                      Channel Board                                               Jumper Diagram


The Magnum S9 is programmed for the 10 Meter Amateur Band out of the box, and covers a range of 28.065 -
28.525 MHz. The frequency range can be extended for Export Use in 8 Band segments each containing 40
Channels. These 8 bands can be programmed to any combination of Eight 40 channel blocks between
25.615 - 30.555 MHz. The radio can also be programmed to cover all frequencies in 10 KHz or 5 KHz steps
between 26.000 - 32.990 MHz. (See Programming Mode)

10 Meter Only Mode:

The default setting from the factory covers only 4 bands between 28.065 MHz - 28.525 MHz. The jumper
setting for this is JP1, JP2, JP3 = OFF and JP4 = ON.

Export Mode:

This mode is pre-set to 8 Bands between 25.615 MHz - 29.205 MHz. The jumper setting for this mode is
JP1 = ON JP2,JP3 = OFF JP4 = ON.

Programming Mode:

This feature allows the radio to be setup into 8 separate bands, each individually programmed to cover any
40 channel segments you choose between 25.165 - 30.555 MHz. For instance, if you wanted Bands A and B
to be setup to cover 25.165 - 26.055 MHz, Band C to be the CB Band 26.965 - 27.405 MHz, then Bands D, E,
and F to cover 10 Meters at 28.315 - 29.655 MHz, the "Programming Mode" can be used to set this up.

Disconnect the wires from the power source after programming the unit to insure that the CPU (Computer)
will reset properly. Set the radio's Band Selector to position A. Using 2 short bare wires, jump the pins of JP2
and JP4 (JP1 & JP3 = OFF) Notice that the Channel Display now indicates a letter A through L instead of the
Channel number. Temporarily short the pins of JP1 on the Channel Board using another short wire. Notice
that the Channel Display advances to the next Band Letter each time the pins of JP1 are shorted. Continue
advancing the letters on the display until you see the desired band for Position A of the Band Selector. Move
the Band selector to position B, and again short the jumper pins of JP1 until you see your choice for Band B.
Repeat this for each of the 8 Band positions and when the last is done, move the Jumpers to this order to
Lock them into Memory. JP1 = ON JP2, JP3 = OFF JP4 = ON

This radio is also capable of covering the entire frequency range between 26.000 MHz - 32.990 MHz in
10 KHz steps or in 5 KHz steps (10 KHz Front Panel = OFF) JP1 = ON JP2 = OFF JP3 - ON JP4 = OFF

                                   Copyright (C) 2004 -
              JP1 = ON JP2 = OFF JP3 = OFF JP4 = ON                    (EXPORT BAND)

                                    Frequency Chart
Ch.     Band A Band B Band C Band D Band E Band F Band G Band H Band I                   Band J Band L
1       25.615   26.065   26.515   26.965   27.415   27.865   28.315   28.765   29.215   29.665    30.115
2       25.625   26.075   26.525   26.975   27.425   27.875   28.325   28.775   29.225   29.675    30.125
3       25.635   26.085   26.535   26.985   27.435   27.885   28.335   28.785   29.235   29.685    30.135
4       25.655   26.105   26.555   27.005   27.455   27.905   28.355   28.805   29.255   29.705    30.155
5       25.665   26.115   26.565   27.015   27.465   27.915   28.365   28.815   29.265   29.715    30.165
6       25.675   26.125   26.575   27.025   27.475   27.925   28.375   28.825   29.275   29.725    30.175
7       25.685   26.135   26.585   27.035   27.485   27.935   28.385   28.835   29.285   29.735    30.185
8       25.705   26.155   26.605   27.055   27.505   27.955   28.405   28.855   29.305   29.755    30.205
9       25.715   26.165   26.615   27.065   27.515   27.965   28.415   28.865   29.315   29.765    30.215
10      25.725   26.175   26.625   27.075   27.525   27.975   28.425   28.875   29.325   29.775    30.225
11      25.735   26.185   26.635   27.085   27.535   27.985   28.435   28.885   29.335   29.785    30.235
12      25.755   26.205   26.655   27.105   27.555   28.005   28.455   28.905   29.355   29.805    30.255
13      25.765   26.215   26.665   27.115   27.565   28.015   28.465   28.915   29.365   29.815    30.265
14      25.775   26.225   26.675   27.125   27.575   28.025   28.475   28.925   29.375   29.825    30.275
15      25.785   26.235   26.685   27.135   27.585   28.035   28.485   28.935   29.385   29.835    30.285
16      25.805   26.255   26.705   27.155   27.605   28.055   28.505   28.955   29.405   29.855    30.305
17      25.815   26.265   26.715   27.165   27.615   28.065   28.515   28.965   29.415   29.865    30.315
18      25.825   26.275   26.725   27.175   27.625   28.075   28.525   28.975   29.425   29.875    30.325
19      25.835   26.285   26.735   27.185   27.635   28.085   28.535   28.985   29.435   29.885    30.335
20      25.855   26.305   26.755   27.205   27.655   28.105   28.555   29.005   29.455   29.905    30.355
21      25.865   26.315   26.765   27.215   27.665   28.115   28.565   29.015   29.465   29.915    30.365
22      25.875   26.325   26.775   27.225   27.675   28.125   28.575   29.025   29.475   29.925    30.375
23      25.905   26.355   26.805   27.255   27.705   28.155   28.605   29.055   29.505   29.955    30.405
24      25.885   26.335   26.785   27.235   27.685   28.135   28.585   29.035   29.485   29.935    30.385
25      25.895   26.345   26.795   27.245   27.695   28.145   28.595   29.045   29.495   29.945    30.395
26      25.915   26.365   26.815   27.265   27.715   28.165   28.615   29.065   29.515   29.965    30.415
27      25.925   26.375   26.825   27.275   27.725   28.175   28.625   29.075   29.525   29.975    30.425
28      25.935   26.385   26.835   27.285   27.735   28.185   28.635   29.085   29.535   29.985    30.435
29      25.945   26.395   26.845   27.295   27.745   28.195   28.645   29.095   29.545   29.995    30.445
30      25.955   26.405   26.855   27.305   27.755   28.205   28.655   29.105   29.555   30.005.   30.455
31      25.965   26.415   26.865   27.315   27.765   28.215   28.665   29.115   29.565   30.015    30.465
32      25.975   26.425   26.875   27.325   27.775   28.225   28.675   29.125   29.575   30.025    30.475
33      25.985   26.435   26.885   27.335   27.785   28.235   28.685   29.135   29.585   30.035    30.485
34      25.995   26.445   26.895   27.345   27.795   28.245   28.695   29.145   29.595   30.045    30.495
35      26.005   26.455   26.905   27.355   27.805   28.255   28.705   29.155   29.605   30.055    30.505
36      26.015   26.465   26.915   27.365   27.815   28.265   28.715   29.165   29.615   30.065    30.515
37      26.025   26.475   26.925   27.375   27.825   28.275   28.725   29.175   29.625   30.075    30.525
38      26.035   26.485   26.935   27.385   27.835   28.285   28.735   29.185   29.635   30.085    30.535
39      26.045   26.495   26.945   27.395   27.845   28.295   28.745   29.195   29.645   30.095    30.545
40      26.055   26.505   26.955   27.405   27.855   28.305   28.755   29.205   29.655   30.105    30.555

Note The VCO coil (behind channel board) may have to be re-adjusted for band coverage above 30 MHz
Transmit Power above 29.990 MHz is Not Guaranteed.
Programming Notes:

* Replace the Metal Cover on the Channel Board after programming to reduce receiver noise.
* The Channel Display Does Not Indicate Channels in the 10 KHz or 5 KHz Modes.
* Jumper JP4 sets 5 Digit (AM/FM Only) or 6 Digit (All Modes) Frequency Display.

                               Copyright (C) 2004 -

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